Another thing that drew me to the planner was the soft mint cover with touches of gold!

I also love the elastic band that will hold the album closed when it starts to get deliciously thick with my family's memories !

Prompts on the left hand side and pocket pages on the right provide the perfect amount of space to fill it with family and personal happenings!

Let me share some up close details. In January my family took an epic vacation from Brisbane Australia to Hawaii, Disneyland, Las Vegas and Grand Canyon then finally Phoenix so I began with some thoughts about our upcoming trip. Then the other prompts I completed as the month progressed. I added some of the stickers from the Floral Sticker sheet to my page to accentuate important pieces. I even managed to add some of our tickets from Disneyland and Lego land into my planner with some washi tape.

Favorite photos can be easily slipped in to the 3x4 and 4x6 pockets. I added a few clear stickers and a Kraft notepad from the collection to embellish.

On the flip side of the pocket page I added in more photos and then a Printable that I foiled with my Minc machine and a couple of gift tags that were given to me by Jamie and Maggie from the Media team when we met in Phoenix for the Creativation event. I simple added a little bit of adhesive to the back of the cards and attached them to the pocket.

Remember when I mentioned I started the year in the Love Always planner, well when we were all together I asked the girls to leave me a little message in my planner and when I switched I didn't want to loose these precious notes.

I took the page out of the Love Today planner, trimmed off the 4 holes already punched and used my Cinch to punch holes, then cut little slits into the holes and slipped it into the spiral in my planner.

love that it adds texture in my planner because it is a different size.

..and the reverse side of the page.

When this extra page is flipped the calendar page is revealed.

I added in 3x3 photos to some of the calendar blocks, intermingling those with journaling, Washi, Floral and Kraft stickers and the cute little Clear stamps from the collection. And now we are in the midst of February and I have slowly started including memories into my Planner including using the Free Planner Printable Heidi shared recently.

I hope that I have given you some easy options to complete your Time Flies planner. It doesn't have to be time consuming, all you need are some favorite memories, favorite photos and a couple of pretty embellishments.

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