Tuesday, December 30, 2008
photo shares
Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas photos

till next time
Monday, December 22, 2008
layout shares

Sunday, December 21, 2008
beautiful bubba

Daddy and Speedy ( his nickname for Larsen since his birth was so fast)
Drunk from mummys milk.
I'll share more photos tomorrow please come back then. Be good and enjoy your night
Thursday, December 18, 2008
First Larsen layout

This layout i finished just before Larsen was born, Addison loves the rainbows that appear around the house at various times of the day, this was made using a hambly transparency, I then attached the coloured papers and cardstock by sewing with my machine.
Ive taken some beautiful photos of David and Larsen and Larsen asleep so ill be back soon with another update. Can you believe he is two and a bit weeks old already.
take care
ps A good friend of mine Kirsty had her bub Kayden last night, he is in the special care nursery so im sending her my congratulations and best wishes !
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
blown away
the latest photo of young Larsen
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Larsen Allen
Just after he was born
and meeting big brother Addison
Sunday, November 23, 2008
more fun shares

Pregnancy number 2, this photo was taken about 2 weeks ago when i was 34 weeks, im off to the dr tomorrow for my 37 week check up, hope all is well.
On Saturday we started and finished our Xmas shopping and today i wrapped them all, it feels good to have that task out of the road.
Just finished watching IDOL and am so glad Wes one he has been our favourite from the beginning.
thanks for stopping by have a great week.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
layouts at last

The first one tells where Addison is at the moment. "Addison do it" is all we hear , this can be frustrating as all you mums of toddlers know there are some things he just cant do ( change his nappy for one LOL )
The second layout highlights Addison's obsession with fixing things that get broken, he can sit for ages trying to put things back together.
The last layout i finished a while ago and it is about Addison's 2nd birthday, i love the MM bling paper, its so hard to add some bling to boys layouts but when ever i get the chance i do.
Dont forget to check out the scraploot. blog on Sunday as i will be updating it with some new ideas. I am so jealous that i cant be there for the opening of the new shop or to meet Heidi Swapp, if you are from Sydney hop on the website and get yourself a ticket , it will be a blast.
Im off to bed, the heat up here is really affecting me this pregnancy. We have had so much rain over the last couple of days the humidity is just awful. My thoughts go out to those who have lost their houses and possessions in the storm on Sunday night, now is a time to count your blessings.
Till next time
Sunday, November 16, 2008
lucky me
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The sandpit
I enjoyed my tupperware party it was nice to have a few friends from playgroup , my neighbour and my mum and my sister, although its been hard moving interstate im slowly developing a small group of friends.
Off now to let my husband now the damage from from the Tupperware party LOL
Monday, November 3, 2008
good afternoon

Well best go im feeling rather hot and bothered and tired being 34 weeks pregnant in the Brisbane heat is getting to me.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Design team layouts

Addison, loves being involved with the activities now he especailly loves the bubbles and constantly reminds me of them when i say we are going to physifun.

How cute are these two !

Sunday, October 26, 2008
scraploot blog

Good looking Coit is a term of indearment David my husband calls Addison's backside, however Addison can only say "Looking Coit".
Addison is obssessed with keys, he goes around the house trying every hole, crack or button trying to fit the keys in.
Head on over to the scraploot blog to check out the rest of my technique post.
Will be back shortly with some more news
Sunday, October 19, 2008
boys and dirt
till next time
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
websters pages
Sunday, October 12, 2008
new layouts
This photo was taken on fathers day and i just love it.

My last milestone layout for Addison, i now plan on doing just everyday type layouts for him as i'll have the new bub soon and will have to start on his or her monthly layouts.
till next time
Saturday, October 11, 2008
birthday party