Till next time...
I finally tracked down that delish Martha Stewart butterfly punch, also Thankyou to the lovely Gilly and Tracey for the bottle tops and cogs....
Till next time...
...if any one has the newest addition of Scrapbooking Memories you will see some cards I was commisioned to do a few months ago, I keep taking a peek at the page because the way they have presented them is just gorgeous....before I go just to let you know Handmade by Suzanne has a new faster better home, both for the shop and forum, don't forget about the October sketch you could win a $20 gift voucher shop, see here for details, I hope you will pop over and check it out!
thank you again for all your lovely comments
Till next time...
.....tee hee you do spy a banner but I made this layout a couple of weeks ago..
till next time...
mmmm not really happy with the colours in this one ....but it's done, will be back soon with some little Red rocket yumminess, don't forget Shell's sketch competion here, you dont need to use lilredrocket products to enter just create a layout with the sketch and link it up to win a $25 gift voucher from Lilredrocket.
Till next time....
This layout and some new layouts are up on the Hambly blog now, how exciting to have my first post over there!!!
I am on a quest to better edit my layout photos, I am so completely not happy with them at the moment....
Till next time...