Oh to be three again and have the freedom or THREEDOM to do anything without a care in the world. Another photo of Addison from our Summer at the beach. I finished this layout off last night, I had been wanting to use that gorgeous prima butterfly for a while now and I finally had the chance!
Of course the chippie boat is from 3tails and I just LOVE my new lemon maya mist I think I have used it on my last four layouts., and finally some new October Afternoon fly a Kite....HEAVEN!!!!

Before I go don't forget to head on over to lilredrocket for some awessome new kits and goodies Shell has in store.
Till next time...
Very cut Kim, love the little butterflies with the big one :)
love that LO, and the title is too cute, love that prima butterfly
Kim what a wonderful play on words!! Simply love it!
Just gorgeous! Love the little punches of black against all the neutral colors.
Beautiful. xx
This one is a fav of mine, Kim. even more adorable IRL xx
STUNNING LO Kim. Great title and I love that colour combo. AWESOME!
Holy cow this is gorgeous! I am stunned into scrappy awe!
that looks so cool..love that new mist..wow great colour... oh threedom.. Ivy is 2dom and really letting me know how terrible it is for the last couple of day.. but scrapped today so that helps..just got to finish it.. love the butterfly as well.. happy creating.
how yummy is that October Afternoon paper? love how you incorporated it into the layout and the photo of Mr Three is just gorgeous
Girly!!! This is beautiful! I just love that one and only black butterfly for some reason...stunning!
WOW Kim, I so love this page. I hope you've subbed it cos everyone needs to see it. You clever gal you!!!
I love this layout Kim! The colours, the butterfly and the title... everything work so well together! Great blog too! :)
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