Woo hoo my gorgeous friend Taryn and I have just booked our selves into this...

OMG Heidi Swapp in the flesh, we soooo can't wait she has always been a favourite of mine. If you want to book in or read more detail see here
I have been busy so I should be back ina day with some goodies to share.
Till next time...
OMG... so jealous! I love Heidi stuff, and with Glimmer as well... what an opportunity. Sucks living in Perth! Enjoy!!!
Wow, that will be fantastic. Hope you guys have a great time.
omg how lucky are you, wish i could afford to go
Yay!!! Soooooo excited. Double the fun, getting to sit next to you while I'm there, Kim. Can't wait to get our hands dirty with all that glimmery stuf!!!
You will love her she is awesome, I ahd the pleasure of meeting her twice in South Africa...
hahaha well make sure you save the two blondies a seat ok... Lisa and Lisa are heading down too xxx
WOOHOO!!!! OMG girly I hope you have a great time and be sure to share your pics.
oh turning so green here!!! Oh that is so fantabulous!!
WOWZER!!! Have fun you lucky girl!!
you lucky girls!!!! I'm so jealous!! B-)
Sucks livin in Wagga more Mistra!
OMG OMG OMG yep I am struck down with envyitis you lucky thing!!!!
Not as if she was the grunge God Tim though!hmmmm They are friends though soooo if you shake her hand.....LOL
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