I have been debating about whether to post these two layouts, I am just not sure if I'm happy with them or not. The first one up I worked on for 3 hours last night and still only managed to come up with this...I know its because of that paper its just not me. I did manage to use some new shimmers vibez though so that was fun!

The second one talks about Addison and his or should I say my dress sense for him. I know the trend these days is for the t shirts to hang out but I love the tucked in look ,makes him look like such a sweet innocent three year old....

Will have to ponder it a bit more...and if still bugs me in the album I will pull it apart and start again...I have been known to do that on occasion.
Till next time...
My son's school makes the tuck their shirts (sports unifrom) which is so funny when his shirt is below his knees and you have to tuck it into his shorts. If you love to tuck, you go girl :D
I do love your Up photo, but you are right, it isn't your usual PP, but always good to try something new. It could still grow on you :D
LOL .. I am an un-tucker-er lol!! I LOVE the first LO Kim .. Don't touch a thing, the look you created is just perfect!! I LOVE it!!
Leave all of the layouts your not sure of alone, they are gorgeous Kim, we are our own worse critics though aren't we? Hehe, no really i think they are beautiful so I don't think you should change anything on them.
Love your work,
Tarrah x
i think the look is cute, although i mst say ive always had my boys shirts hanging out
Shirts in or out? My boys love theirs out and hate when they HAVE to tuck them in!....lol
Love both the layouts Kim. I'm never sure about anything new I do. My own worst enemy I tell ya!!! :)
On occasion? Are you kidding me? Had a bit of a giggleeeee at that. he he. They are gorgeous layouts, Kim. Try to resist the urge. I especially love the 2nd one.
And you know what I think about the shirt. Lucky he's too young to know hehehe, and then when he's older, he'll be too busy doing boy things to care!
Gorgeous LO's as always, Kim. As for the shirt debate :)...for me it needs to be out. When ever my MIL is around she tucks Noahs shirt in and I immediately tell him to take it out. She makes some comment under her breath and walks away...only to try another day...lol.
I love them both ya fussy chick, the first one is bugging you and I know why....no trademark string!!! Wind abit of twinw around that heart and you'll be stoked! LOL Cause you should be the first layout is my fav I wish I had crafted it! :)
I think he looks just terrific with his shirt tucked in. I think you did a fabulous job on the layouts.
ditto to all of the lovely comments above.
Love both of these Kim!
love that misting!
and I must admit to being an shirt out Mum.;)
Oh I adore the second layout! Love it lots.
Ps im a shirt innerer, but have an outy tucking hubby and sons!
Oh wow, they turned out fabulous - love the effect of the first layout!
I hate that feeling, not being sure about an LO! But you have so many fun things with these! TFS! Love to hear that others have the same struggle (see Mar 1st sketch --ARGH!)
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