Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hi everyone, I made these two layouts last week, but with the chaos of organising Addison's birthday party I am only getting around to posting them now.

The first one I eat spiders tells the story of Larsen eating a dead spider that was on the floor between the fridge and wall, luckily I caught him and managed to fish most of it out.

The second layout is about Addison who during the US election last year when ever he saw B Obama on the TV he would call out yes we can!!!

Enjoy Till next time


Tracey said...

LOL....great layouts Kim. They brought a smile to my face and I love how you have captured two memorable moments :)

Anonymous said...

Great layouts Kim.
OMG I so did not like that ad drove me insane - how funny of Addision ... aren't kid adorable SOMETIMES lol

Taryn said...

That spider paper rocks!! Such a funny boy, and sneaky, too.

Lisa K said...

OMG - What would make a kid out a spider in their mouth?????

Michelle said...

I love your layouts! What a lovely Blog!! Feel free to follow mine as well:


Shelee :)